Expectingmothers have their activity at MEG too!
Sunday 10 December 2023, 10:00

Visit-workshop for expecting mothers and for anyone concerned by a future birth (future fathers, brothers, sister and relatives). Sunday, december 10th, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.
The arrival of a newborn child is a unique moment in the lives of its parents and those around them. The MEG invites pregnant women and anyone concerned by the birth of a child (future fathers, brothers and sisters, relatives) to a poetic workshop-visit in the temporary exhibition "Being Together". Inspired by the relationship between humans and nature, this workshop-visit invites participants to create a cumulative jewel: 9 beads to honour the 9 months of gestation and a tenth bead, the one of the birth, which will be added to the jewel when the time comes.
No art skills are required.
Animation Adriana Batalha, MEG animator.
Practical informations
Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève -
+41 22 418 45 50
Sur place
General public
gratuit pour les enfants, CHF 12.- / CHF 8.-
VDG Event