Sunday Movie X Everybody's Perfect: UYRA : THE RISING FOREST de Juliana Curi
Sunday 8 October 2023, 11:00
Rethinking the living world and communicating with plants and animals: a series of films based around the "Être(s) ensemble" exhibition. Auditorium. Sunday 8 October, 11am.
To coincide with the temporary exhibition "Être(s) ensemble" (Being together), which runs until 7 January 2024, a series of films will be on show until December 2023 to help you rethink living things.
As part of the Everybody's Perfect queer film festival, which runs from 6 to 15 October 2023, MEG is screening the film UYRA: THE RISING FOREST by Juliana Curi.
Uýra, a trans-indigenous artist, travels through the Amazon rainforest on a journey of self-discovery, using performance art and ancestral messages to teach indigenous youth and confront structural racism and transphobia in Brazil.
A discussion will follow the screening with the film's director, Juliana Curi, and MEG director Carine Durand.
After the show, the MEG Café will be delighted to welcome you for a family brunch.
Please book directly with the Café du MEG: 022/418 90 86.
Subject to availability.
Please note Please note that the cinema ticket does not include brunch.
Practical informations
Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève -
+41 22 418 45 50
Sur place
Senior citizens
CHF 0.-
VDG Event
De 12 à 99 ans