Conference - Meeting

King Kasaï: meeting with Christophe Boltanski

Tuesday 28 November 2023, 12:15

Portrait de Christophe Boltanski

Meeting with Christophe Boltanski on the occasion of the release of his latest book. Library. Tuesday November 28, 2023 at 12:15 pm. In French only

To mark the release of his latest book, "King Kasaï", published by Stock in the "Ma nuit au musée" collection, Christophe Boltanski talks to Olivier Christin.
King Kasaï is the name of a stuffed elephant that has long been the symbol of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, near Brussels. Christophe Boltanski spends the night in front of the "King of Kasaï" and next to a gloriously debunked Leopold II, in this former showcase of the Belgian colonial project, now renamed the Africa Museum. The story goes beyond Belgian colonization and concerns us all. Following in the footsteps of the hunter who took part in the Museum's vast zoological expedition and shot the elephant in 1956, the author ventures into the heart of the most violent darkness, that of our memory.
Speakers Christophe Boltanski, novelist and journalist; Olivier Christin, professor of modern history at the University of Neuchâtel
Places are limited and reservations must be made by email at, stating your name, first name, telephone number and the number of people accompanying you.

Date de dernière mise à jour de l'événement 27.11.2023

Practical informations

Bibliothèque du musée d'Ethnographie de Genève (MEG)

Carl-Vogt 65, 1205 Genève -

+41 22 418 45 60

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General public

CHF 0.-

VDG Event

De 15 à 99 ans