Metadata for MEG collections
MEG is making available to the public the metadata - in French - that describes its historical collections. The metadata can be re-used under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal licence, which means that you can copy, modify, distribute and represent the metadata, even for commercial purposes, without having to ask MEG for permission.
The inventory records for MEG's collections are available here
Important notes
- MEG does not guarantee the accuracy of published metadata and accepts no responsibility for any use of metadata permitted by law.
- By using or quoting the metadata, you must not suggest that MEG endorses you or the way you use the metadata.
- The metadata documents research on people and cultures using representation models and languages from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. These may describe people or cultures in an obsolete and offensive way.
- The data, digital images, photographs and sound recordings are not free of rights. Their use requires the prior written consent of MEG. All requests for use must be made using the form Photographic reproduction rights.
The metadata for ethnographic items, photographic collections and audio collections are available in the form of tabular files (.tsv, tab separated files) and in raw SQL. For each collection, a README.txt file specifies the information necessary and sufficient to reconstruct the databases.
Last metadata update: 11 September 2023
Person responsible for putting the metadata online: Grégoire de Ceuninck
1/3. Ethnographic items [24 Mb]
Metadata describing MEG's ethnographic items (69,259 items)
Metadata of historical inventory registers (47'663 items)
Database schema
2/3. Photographic collections [2 Mb]
Metadata of the MEG photographic collections (19'071 items)
3/3. Audio archives collection (AIMP) [1 Mb]
Audio recordings metadata (4'335 items)
Historical inventory registers
MEG has digitised all the historical inventory registers describing its collections of artifacts from 1867 to 1993.
The Historical Inventory Registers table places the various historical inventory registers in a chronological framework.
Table of Historical Inventory Registers
[PDF 70 Ko]
MEG is making the data linked to the digitised historical inventory registers (PDF and JPG files) available to the public. The data may be reused under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence, which means that you may copy, distribute and communicate the material by any means and in any format, provided that you give credit to the data used and clearly state the source. You may not use the data for commercial purposes or modify the data in any way without prior written permission from MEG.
The metadata in the historical inventory registers (CC0) can be used to link the digitised pages of the registers to the digital descriptions sheets of the relevant items.
1/7. The Register K
Registre_K.pdf [124 Mb]
URL for page-by-page files in the Register K [TXT 6 Kb]
2/7. The Register L
Registre_L.pdf [27 Mb]
URL for page-by-page files in the Register L [TXT 1 Kb]
3/7. The Register of the Musée des missions (not indexed)
Musée des missions.pdf [32 Mb]
URL for page-by-page files in the Register of the Musée des missions [TXT 4 Kb]
4/7. The Manuscript Inventory Register (not indexed)
Registre_01_000159_006685.pdf [50 Mb]
Registre_02_006686_008774.pdf [58 Mb]
Registre_03_008775_011215.pdf [56 Mb]
Registre_04_011216_013878.pdf [59 Mb]
Registre_05_013879_016638.pdf [61 Mb]
Registre_06_016639_019251.pdf [71 Mb]
Registre_07_019252_021230.pdf [75 Mb]
Registre_08_021231_023084.pdf [71 Mb]
Registre_09_023085_024546.pdf [60 Mb]
Registre_10_024547_025888.pdf [66 Mb]
Registre_11_025889_027446.pdf [61 Mb]
Registre_12_027447_028521.pdf [60 Mb]
Registre_13_028522_030591.pdf [61 Mb]
Registre_14_030592_031776.pdf [65 Mb]
Registre_15_031777_032997.pdf [54 Mb]
Registre_16_032998_034277.pdf [55 Mb]
Registre_17_034278_035177.pdf [50 Mb]
Registre_18_035178_036467.pdf [48 Mb]
5/7. Typed copy of Registers K, L and Manuscript Inventory Register
URL for page-by-page files in the Typed copy [TXT 243 Kb]
6/7. The Typescript Inventory Register
URL for page-by-page files in the Typescript Inventory Register [TXT 716 Kb]
7/7. The Alfred Bertrand Register (not indexed and not yet attached to MEG objects)
Registre_Alfred_Bertrand.pdf [89 Mb]
URL for page-by-page files in the Alfred Bertrand Register [TXT 5 Kb]