Guided visit

An object, a sound, a story: like a million black butterflies In French only

Wednesday 18 September, 15:00

Figure de fécondité tronconique

Family visit to discover an aspect of the rich collections of the MEG. Library and permanent exhibition. Wednesday, September 18, 3.00 p.m. In French only.

Why do Adé's friends make fun of her hair? After looking at the Lesotho doll in the temporary exhibition and discovering the heritage of African women, we'll listen to Adé's story and hear a Lesotho sound.Places are limited and booking is obligatory by email to, specifying your name, first name, telephone number and the number of people accompanying you.

Date de dernière mise à jour de l'événement 17.04.2024
© MEG, Johnathan Watts

Practical informations

Bibliothèque du musée d'Ethnographie de Genève (MEG)

Carl-Vogt 65, 1205 Genève -

+41 22 418 45 60

Sur place

Family and kids

CHF 0.-

VDG Event

De 5 à 121 ans